INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES actually suggests that Trump risking assassination or impeachment by not having a White House pet!!

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES actually suggests that Trump risking assassination or impeachment by not having a White House pet!!: DAN CANCIAN WRITES: Donald Trump has broken a White House by becoming the first US President in 150 years not to have a pet. Barack Obama, George W Bush and Bill Clinton, Trump’s immediate predecessors, all had … Read moreINTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES actually suggests that Trump risking assassination or impeachment by not having a White House pet!!

BATTLE OF THE NATIONS: PUTIN VS OBAMA AT THE UN OVER SYRIA // World leaders including Barack Obama, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Raul Castro and Robert Mugabe speak at 70th UN General Assembly in New York

BATTLE OF THE NATIONS: PUTIN VS OBAMA AT THE UN OVER SYRIA // World leaders including Barack Obama, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Raul Castro and Robert Mugabe speak at 70th UN General Assembly in New York

FRIDAY THE 13TH IN RUSSIA: Putin, Said to Be ‘Perfectly Healthy,’ Is Also Nowhere to Be Seen

There are rumors online that Vladimir Putin is either sick, or even  dead! The NYT says, The last confirmed public sighting was at a meeting with Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of Italy on March 5 — although the Kremlin would have citizens think otherwise.Given that the Kremlin borrows all manner of items from the Soviet … Read moreFRIDAY THE 13TH IN RUSSIA: Putin, Said to Be ‘Perfectly Healthy,’ Is Also Nowhere to Be Seen

When a Russian feels any foreign pressure, he will never give up his leader,” Shuvalov said. “Never. We will survive any hardship in the country — eat less food, use less electricity. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov Pootie Poot’s been awfully demanding lately.. more sex? less food? Life in Russia..

President Obama imposed sanctions on Russia. In turn, Russia imposed its own, even saying John McCain could not go to Russia anymore–prompting the Arizona Senator to make a joke that he’ll have to cancel his Siberia vacation. But to prove that current events have less in common with common sense and more in common with … Read more


There’s lot of chaos happening in Kiev.. RT is there with photos and a full report. What you need to know about this story: There have been three days of fighting between protesters and police.. There seems to be more black smoke billowing over the capitol city of the Ukraine today .. There are also … Read moreMASSIVE CHAOS IN KIEV AS PROTESTERS TAKE ON THE POLICE