I have two websites, as some of you may know. The other one is the HORRORREPORT.COM, where I espouse crazy conspiracy theories, UFOs, ghosts, and all that jazz. Fun stuff.. paranormal and para-political. But tonight, something freaked me out. The photo you see here is a screen cap of what occurred at 6:06 pm this … Read more
Interesting comparison.. St. Peter’s Square in 2005 and then 2013.. What a difference only a few years makes. It actually makes 2005 look like it was in the stone age.. pre-iPhone. If you can remember that far back..
Professionals are getting ready.. The white smoke will announce a pope. But before that happens, firefighters are getting pieces in order:The AP reports: Firefighters on Saturday installed the top of the Sistine Chapel chimney that will signal to the world that a new pope has been elected, as the Vatican took measures to definitively end … Read more
Sleeplessness, heal thyself
It gets bad. Television is bad.. I ended up watching 25 minutes of a creepy minister with a bad toupee ‘healing’ people. I had enough when he ‘healed’ a woman who was deaf since 3.. Have these bottom dwellers no shame …? I’m not tired yet but by GOD I’m not watching this anymore.. It’s … Read moreSleeplessness, heal thyself
When religion is BEYOND STUPID: Connecticut Lutheran pastor has apologized for participating in an interfaith prayer vigil for the 26 children and adults killed at a Newtown elementary school in December because his church bars its clergy from worshipping with other faiths
When religion is BEYOND STUPID: Connecticut Lutheran pastor has apologized for participating in an interfaith prayer vigil for the 26 children and adults killed at a Newtown elementary school in December because his church bars its clergy from worshipping with other faiths
Another worthy night for Coast to Coast AM
George Knapp at the mic tonight. His topics: Possessions and exorcisms. Demons will take over late night radio. If you’re awake from 1am to 5am EDT tonight perhaps the show will be worth the scare..
An ex-FBI agent makes quite the statement in a new book: She says when she responded to Pennsylvania crash site on 9/11, she saw angels
Lilli Leonardi said: “They were dressed as if they were in warrior garb like a Roman centurion, and there were so many of them, you couldn’t see their faces” An ex-FBI agent makes quite the statement in a new book: She says when she responded to Pennsylvania crash site on 9/11, she saw angels
Woman claims that she was sexually abused by a priest over a two year period of time while undergoing exorcisms..
Woman claims that she was sexually abused by a priest over a two year period of time while undergoing exorcisms..
Romney’s cousin speaks out: “Mormonism is a fraud”
Mitt’s cousin’s name is Park. And he looks a lot like Mitt. The longer we have Romneys in the spotlight the more we are definitely going to get strange first names… Romney’s cousin speaks out: “Mormonism is a fraud”
The new Crusade (non bloody version): Pope Benedict to Cuba!
The new Crusade (non bloody version): Pope Benedict to Cuba!