30 years ago: The Dirt Devil of Christmas at the Schuylkill Mall!
It appears people of Schuylkill County had a lot to clean in 1991
It appears people of Schuylkill County had a lot to clean in 1991
40 years later: We wonder now, as Frackville’s Lehigh Ave descends into ruins, and a brand new building that was supposed to house a major distribution center remains unclaimed, was the Schuylkill Mall worth it? Was this mall, this shining fabled building on a hill, worth the price of admission?
Coupons from the past!
A lot of people are excited about the new and amazing Star Court mall in Hawkins, Indiana! But they ain’t seen nothing yet! Schuylkill County shoppers will be glad to hear that the mall will be open October 9! The one story enclosed shopping facility covers 800,000 square feet, will allow smoking, and is nearing … Read moreMOVE OVER STAR COURT MALL! THE SCHUYLKILL MALL WILL BE OPEN IN OCTOBER!
This is the end… The death of the mall..
This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend, the end #SchuylkillMall
The Pearl Theater has closed at the Schuylkill Mall. The final move before demolition.. It was a fine place.
The coal miner from the Schuylkill mall is now at Knoebels.. from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2tOsh0x
Late to the game but news is the same… the building stood almost 40 years… and he holes in the roof prove it .. It will be missed. This is another shock for an already shocked and positive-deprived area. An area that so desperately needs a break… from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2q22F0z
Confirmed gimme from multiple sources: The Schuylkill Mall is going to be torn down from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2phjkyr