Retail hell and the murder of malls

So often, it seems that I am posting “end times” stories on this website. End times for schools in my area.. for churches.. for stores.. End times for the fabric of the once strong and proud coal region of Pennsylvania.. End times for so many things. Believe it or not, I am mostly a positive … Read moreRetail hell and the murder of malls


My local mall (so as long as the mall exists, more on that later) has a drive in.. with spring nearing summer *weather still not feeling like it* a drive in will open there.. Which is a throwback, isn’t it? But a much bigger throwback was a post that a friend of mine put on … Read moreTHE OLD DAYS OF DRIVE INS

Father and son photographic reunion..

When I was 3 and a half, I was featured in a book. There was a full-spread page with a photo of me leaning up against a borehole in the town of Centralia, smoke was billowing from the background and a group of teenagers were running from the camera–one may have been my brother. The … Read moreFather and son photographic reunion..