The pink stars thankfully are not falling. Or are they?

A massive asteroid, the size of three football fields, is flying by earth today. And thankfully: Safely. The asteroid is 2000 EM26. You can watch the Slooh webcast starting at 9pm EDT on February 17 2014 … It will be 2.1million miles away (pretty close in space terms, right?) The GUARDIAN reports this: But it … Read moreThe pink stars thankfully are not falling. Or are they?

This Guy Wants to Help You Download Your Brain

Imagine someone downloading your entire brain onto a USB stick, or whatever future storage device is thought up.. I guess there would be good aspects to this ability.. But come on, folks, this is pretty freaky for the future.  Now to be honest, I’d love to opportunity to be able to download the previous night’s … Read moreThis Guy Wants to Help You Download Your Brain

Government scientists are deliberately giving dozens of volunteers the flu by squirting the live virus straight up their noses

The Associated Press reports on the story as though it should be read as the last news bit on a 11pm local news, after weather and sports.. A fun little tale about the government testing 100 Americans over the next year to see just what happens when the flu is sent directly into their bodies.. … Read moreGovernment scientists are deliberately giving dozens of volunteers the flu by squirting the live virus straight up their noses