A fascinating story from Japan: The youth of the nation do not want t have sex.. so much so that there is a birth crisis on the horizon..

The UK GUARDIAN has a report about Japan, where people seemingly have stopped desiring sexual relations.. As a matter of fact, it’s not just a disinterest, but a large percentage of the nation ‘despises’ sexual contact!  Even more, the ’celibacy syndrome’ is so bad that the government is worried about it. Not mentioned in the … Read moreA fascinating story from Japan: The youth of the nation do not want t have sex.. so much so that there is a birth crisis on the horizon..

You know why American students are so bad at science…?

Here’s an example.. A story comes out that an asteroid may hit in 2032 (and another one in 2036, but that’s besides the point) .. and what does the news media collectively do? Put it at the end of their newscasts, or the back of the paper, and make a little funny quip about ‘better … Read moreYou know why American students are so bad at science…?

Everything was typical.. until the atypical occurred.

This story is true. Trust me.. I would never lie to readers… TONIGHT, around 6:30 PM… It was just another night at Coal Speaker home base.. My wife’s sister was here for dinner.. Ayden, as usual, wasn’t hungry, so he was watching BATMAN on TV.. And on the table, three empty bowls. Our soup was … Read moreEverything was typical.. until the atypical occurred.

Neuroscientists plant false memories in the brain – MIT News Office

MIT study also pinpoints where the brain stores memory traces, both false and authentic. Wow.. this is pretty important and I’d say has some massive implications. False memories.. Truth shaded.. truth covered up by lies? What can we believe… what we see? What if what we see isn’t real, or never even was to begin … Read moreNeuroscientists plant false memories in the brain – MIT News Office

We have been told that early humans were warlike. What if they were not?

There would be some big implications.. And our modern “civilized society” would need to do some soul searching about how we have lost the way..  Consider this: And here we thought that road rage evovled from stone age cave rage.. We have long been told that war is bred deep within humanity.. that our early … Read moreWe have been told that early humans were warlike. What if they were not?