…British media abuzz today with the prospects that global warming stopped. Really. While we worried about global warming, did the earth begin cooling?It’s an interesting thought, of course.. either way the globe paces a perilous future.
To the moon Newt
Of all of the things said tonight in the 19TH GOP debate (19!?) the moon conversation was the most interesting.. And I found myself cheering on ….. NEWT GINGRICH. We should be on the moon. If we are not already.. and for goodness sakes if you listen to Richard Hoagland we already have a base … Read moreTo the moon Newt
The mark of the beast..
If you work in a hospital during flu season and you chose not to be vaccinated, get ready for the humilitation: You are going to have to wear a face mask!.. at least in Houston, where hospital workers who decided not to get the vaccine will have to wear the face mask throughout the ENTIRE SEASON.. … Read moreThe mark of the beast..
Amazing photos reveal earth changes taking place.. right now The DAILY MAIL has more photos besides this one of new land that is surfacing in the ocean around the Canary Islands.. Magma is spewing into the sky.. towns are being evacuated. Islanders are trying to come up with a name for the newest Canary member.. … Read more
Killer solar flares? Impossible!
Killer solar flares? Impossible!
It sure doesn’t feel like the end of the world to me..
Debris of ‘Doomsday’ Comet Elenin to Pass by Earth Sunday
No mention of what one is to do if you’re actually afraid of what’s IN the vaccine.. thedailyfeed: Scared of needles? You’re in luck: A new method of delivering flu vaccines injects you just below the surface of the skin with a needle less than 1/10 of an inch long. See the traditional flu vaccine on … Read more
As the sun turns
Sunspots heating.. And now unfortunately are pointing at earth.. Today NASA released a stunning movie that is galvanizing experts. This as the sun turns to the pale blue dot…as the solar flares churn and the sun burns.
You probably already knew it, but now science is coming along to the potentially correct belief: We may all be aliens
You probably already knew it, but now science is coming along to the potentially correct belief: We may all be aliens
Now this is really cool stuff.. Imagine a planet.. absorbing all light? It’s the darkest ever planet found, it’s coal black with a slight red glow, and it was found by Kepler. Discovered: Huge black planet that absorbs all of its light from its starIt’s coal black..Reflects no light..Darknest known planet..