The big wobble or the load of bunk?

I often read about the ‘Inuit reports that the earth has wobbled,’ or shifted.. rumors online say that we just aren’t where we used to be. That the sun sets somewhere else..that the moon isn’t looking right in the sky anymore. Scientists, when they actually talk about it, dismiss it all.. They use reason and logic … Read moreThe big wobble or the load of bunk?


Study MAY have found evidence of alternate and parallel universes » It’s all theoretical at this point.. This story linked is getting an amazing amount of attention. Even the Drudge Report linked it. That seals the deal for an article, despite the media’s dislike of his style, they crave his attention. This from USA TODAY’s … Read moreBIG BANG(S): PARALLEL UNIVERSES WITH LOTS OF PRESS COVERAGE


I have been paying a lot of attention over all of my years on this site blogging and clogging up the networks about solar flares and the like.. See evidence here ( ..  Tonight, there is a chance that northern lights will be as low as my state of Pennsylvania.. that’s a big deal. Far … Read moreA MAJOR SOLAR FLARE CAUSING LOW NORTHERN LIGHTS.. AND A PLAN FROM OBAMA?

Study MAY have found evidence of alternate and parallel universes

It’s all theoretical at this point.. BUT.. This from USA TODAY’s reporting: While mapping the so-called “cosmic microwave background,” which is the light left over from the early universe, scientist Ranga-Ram Chary found what he called a mysterious glow, the International Business Timesreported. Chary, a researcher at the European Space Agency’s Planck Space Telescope data … Read moreStudy MAY have found evidence of alternate and parallel universes

Mystery bright spots could be first glimpse of another universe

This could be the beginning of everything strange and bizarre, wonderful and amazing. From the NEW SCIENTIST report, THE curtain at the edge of the universe may be rippling, hinting that there’s more backstage. Data from the European Space Agency’s Planck telescope could be giving us our first glimpse of another universe, with different physics, … Read moreMystery bright spots could be first glimpse of another universe

Earth is in grave danger of being hit by a catastrophic comet shower triggered by the sun, warn scientists

More .. Earth may be in great danger as the sun’s path through the galaxy sends comet flying towards our planet, scientists have warned.  Researchers have identified a 26 million-year cycle of meteor impacts that coincides with the timing of mass extinctions over the past 260 million years. There is a close shave on Halloween set … Read moreEarth is in grave danger of being hit by a catastrophic comet shower triggered by the sun, warn scientists

Dyson Spheres but not an advanced species to see it

Dyson Spheres but not an advanced species to see it This week, the buzz was clear.. there is a potential “megastructure” somewhere out there..  it is a structure, or thing in space, that blocks a lot of sunlight.. It may be a Dyson Sphere.. it may be well.. dust.. It could be something very exciting, or … Read moreDyson Spheres but not an advanced species to see it