Of Doomsdays and Clocks

The world is going to now witness a stream of media attention about the Doomsday Clock it wasn’t changed snice 2012 until today it was five minutes until midnight it has been pushed to three minutes until midnight with today’s announcement Perhaps if the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists REALLY wants to get some attention, they’d … Read moreOf Doomsdays and Clocks

No such thing as a selfless selfie

Science says you might have psychopathic traits if you post a lot of selfies » Here is the gist of the study as reported by the UK INDEPENDENT: Men who take more selfies have higher than average traits of narcissism and psychopathy, a study from academics at Ohio State University has found. The research, published … Read moreNo such thing as a selfless selfie

UNEXPECTED Strong geomagnetic storm hits Earth

The warning also said that the storm could push the area where the Aurora could be seen as far south as Pennsylvania to Iowa to Oregon. The main intensity of the storm was supposed to have affected the planet just before 6:30 a.m. but the storm was reported to still be in progress at 9 … Read moreUNEXPECTED Strong geomagnetic storm hits Earth

The sky is falling. Or changing.

I wrote what one of my friends called the weirdest of all posts yet the other day here concerning how, well.. I think the sun’s angle in the sky is changing compared to this month other times in the past. I understand this sounds loony.. I get that is also is illogical. But at the … Read moreThe sky is falling. Or changing.

Did you ever think you’d be rooting for Newt?

Seriously? For all of the controversy over the controversial politician, Newt Gingrich has been one of the few people to come forward and address something no one else will: The fact that we need to survive the eventual solar storm or EMP strike that may cripple the infrastructure of the United States..  Newt and his … Read moreDid you ever think you’d be rooting for Newt?

Christian Aliens among us

I get a feeling that if alien life is going to be announced, it will be coming from religious leaders before the government. That way it would sink in better with people if they heard it from God-like men as opposed to devil-like whores.. And in that regard: The Vatican Observatory is co-hosting a conference in … Read moreChristian Aliens among us