Just plain boring old seeds from China after all?
So what are they anyway?
We can gleam some information into what they are thanks to a Georgia Department of Health study now released..
So what are they anyway?
We can gleam some information into what they are thanks to a Georgia Department of Health study now released..
All of these conspiracy theories of ‘little shops of horrors’ being planned by Chinese people all out the window? All of these rumors of viruses and discontent being spread just bunk?
Just a “brushing firm” getting information to ship orders from China to people not expecting a package … all just for a positive review?
A strange story is developing in various places around the planet tonight..
Various local affiliates across different cities in multiple states are reporting that people are receiving packages in the mail. Unsolicited.. NO orders. No expectations.
According to reports, the packages are coming from China and they contain… Seeds.
Yes.. seeds.