Enter Andre Linoge into our Christmas season: The forecasts for the storm the Weather Channel will call “Gail”

Just weeks ago, the sweltering heat of autumn was alarming. Almost 80 degrees in mid-November under an usually hot-baking sun. And now as we enter the week before Christmas time frame, there is a shocking model run predicting anywhere from 24 to 36 inches of snow in a large swath of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York..

The snow is coming down…the blizzard of 2017 is underway

And thus far here in my back yard forecasts for 2 feet plus look accurate.. There is 11.6 inches already on Whistler’s Mother in Ashland PA. Last night before I turned off the lights I took notice that it was sleeting. I thought! They were wrong! This will be rain! Out to sea!  And then … Read moreThe snow is coming down…the blizzard of 2017 is underway


THIS MAY OR MAY NOT HAPPEN AROUND March 13 .. The IDES are ready. But we may glide by with warmth.. If this map – the ECMWF run – pans out the Eastern United States will be facing a major blizzard with 1 to 2 feet of snow in locations where dark blue and yellows … Read moreTHIS MAY OR MAY NOT HAPPEN AROUND March 13 .. The IDES are…

See it and weep. Some operational guidance showcases a potential snowstorm this Thursday March 5..  By the freakend weekend clocks are being set ahead and spring will be in the air. Maybe. At this point the darkness is losing. HORUS is rising.. Easter is on the way..

Here is the sight from this weekend’s weather forecast.. anything pink and purple are winter weather somethings. And there are lots of them, storms are a plenty.. The season is almost ready to change. I hear song birds in the morning now and the noon sun–when it is out–is strong.. But until the spring blossoms … Read more