The Daddy of Five becomes the Daddy of Three.. and the fame was history.

The Maryland couple who went viral after posting controversial videos of them playing “pranks” on their kids have lost custody of the two youngest children, at least temporarily, the Baltimore Sun reports. They are called the DaddyOFive on Youtube.. they are otherwise known as Michael and Heather Martin. And just recently they posted a public apology on … Read moreThe Daddy of Five becomes the Daddy of Three.. and the fame was history.

The bombing of Blair Witch. Some proclaim the end of ‘found footage’ horror.. I say it’s just your usual generational shift

IT’S OVER! Sorta… The found horror movie crave is behind us.. So says Variety.. In an article celebrating the box office bomb that is the new BLAIR WITCH, the author, Owen Gleibermein, seems to celebrate the upcoming demise of the found horror movie. He also correctly points out that the demise may be far from happening–but the big profits … Read moreThe bombing of Blair Witch. Some proclaim the end of ‘found footage’ horror.. I say it’s just your usual generational shift

Are you trapped? Are you someone’s dinner?

Are you trapped? Are you someone’s dinner? I sort of love this picture and hate it all at the same time.. It was snapped along Interstate 81 this week. It’s a truck moving quickly on the highway, carrying with him an endless supply of birds for consumption.. they are all stuffed in the cages driving … Read moreAre you trapped? Are you someone’s dinner?

A futurist predicts: By 2050, human-on-robot sex will be more common than human-on-human sex, says report

People seem shocked by this predictions. I am, not.  Everything is eventual. Including this.. Doctor Ian Pearson predicts: By 2030, most people will have some form of virtual sex as casually as they browse porn today By 2035 the majority of people will own sex toys that interact with virtual reality sex We will start … Read moreA futurist predicts: By 2050, human-on-robot sex will be more common than human-on-human sex, says report

The DAILY BEAST goes ‘Inside the Secret World of Arab Playboys’

Tom Sykes writes, The royal family of the oil-rich emirate will no doubt be hoping that the conclusion of the mourning period will bring down the curtain. For many years speculation ran rampant that the charming and glamorous Prince Rashid, who lived a glittering life amply accessorized with racehorses, fast cars, and beautiful women, was … Read moreThe DAILY BEAST goes ‘Inside the Secret World of Arab Playboys’

One week that changed America

Something has seemingly occurred within the United States over the past week. There has been social unrest.. social upheaveal .. social crisis.. And suddenly, after a shooting in Charleston along a 33rd parallel often associated with demonic evil, the nation came together. President Barack Obama literally sang Amazing Grace to an audience grieving the 9 … Read moreOne week that changed America

Porn’s influence is real. Sex education is the answer by Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett

This is a dry graphic article but also eye opening . While I’m not a proponent of banning anything I still think that it’s worth debating for the societal aspect of what porn is doing to men, women, and relationships. And also, the UK GUARDIAN referring to ‘seagulling’ in the report is pretty darn British. … Read morePorn’s influence is real. Sex education is the answer by Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett