Wake up early to watch the weird sunrise on Sunday

And with Daylight Savings, maybe you’ll be awake. Either way, when the sun comes up on Sunday, you will not see the great ball of fire, but instead an upside down crescent  Science explains, of course, why these events occur. But that little part of me that likes mystery and menace still loves the myths … Read moreWake up early to watch the weird sunrise on Sunday

Green skies for St Patricks day?? Big CME unleashed from the sun

The flare and CME unleashed by the sun Friday was pointed directly at earth.. As a result a geomagnetic storm and strong northern lights are going to be the result.. In a humorous post, Space weather writes that just in time for St Patrick’s day, the sky may turn green across the United States.. And … Read moreGreen skies for St Patricks day?? Big CME unleashed from the sun

The Earth has been lucking out lately, but solar events continue to get stronger

The UK DAILY MAIL reports what we already seem to be aware of: Solar flares just seem to be stronger and stronger in recent months.. Last week we have been seen numerous M class flares and one strong X class flare explode from our sun. Some sunspots have been so large that they 15 Earths … Read moreThe Earth has been lucking out lately, but solar events continue to get stronger

Double rainbow! … strike that. Double solar flare.

NASA cameras had a front row view to an amazing scene in space, as solar flares erupted two sides of the sun at the same time.. NASA placed images of the solar eruption on its website with some context behind in. NASA wrote, “This still (below) from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) caught the action … Read moreDouble rainbow! … strike that. Double solar flare.