Condom Sales Skyrocket in South Korea as Adultery Is Decriminalized
Happy days are here again for the cheating hearts of South Korea.. Condom Sales Skyrocket in South Korea as Adultery Is Decriminalized
Happy days are here again for the cheating hearts of South Korea.. Condom Sales Skyrocket in South Korea as Adultery Is Decriminalized
Well.. the war never did end. As if Kim Jong Un and fake stories about mandations of his haircut is not worrying enough, this happened hours ago: North Korea and South Korea traded fire during military drills–real fire. Real artillery. Residents on five front line islands in South Korea were in shelters for hours ..
Kim Jong-un is believed to have ordered the total elimination of his uncle’s biological relatives. The terrifying purge reportedly started straight after Jang Sung-Taeks execution and is to demonstrate the Kim Jong Un’s “decisiveness.” The PURGE is real.. it’s happening in North Korea.. The ghastly story has been reported by South Korean news agencies.. Reports … Read more‘North Korea Executes Entire Family Of Kim Jong-Un’s Uncle’
….to be fair, if Lil Kim did this we’d be sending Dennis Rodman over there. But the South can get away with flaring up tensions? Speaking of Dennis.. has he returned from North Korea yet!? Perhaps Lil Kim got a new bride..? South Korea shows off new missiles designed to hit North
While some laugh at and discount the situation in North Korea, here is some important food for thought: An analyst who is an expert on the Korean situation said, “I have to say this is one of the most dangerous moments since 1953”
Though lil’ Kim may be years away from having weapons that could cause such mass destruction, it’s further evidence of an unsettling escalation of tension.. And now that Un has gone as far as saying the nation is in a state of war with South Korea, we may be beyond just increases in tension.. NORTH … Read moreNORTH KOREA RELEASES PHOTOS OF WHAT APPEARS PLANS FOR AN ATTACK ON US MAINLAND
NORTH KOREA ENTERS ‘STATE OF WAR’ WITH SOUTH KOREA“As of now, inter-Korea relations enter a state of war and all matters between the two Koreas will be handled according to wartime protocol,” the North said in a joint statement attributed to all government bodies and institutions.
artistaespiritu: Why aren’t we more freaked out about North Korea aiming missles at us. They’ve basically told us, “hey we are probably going to bomb you, just giving you a heads up” and we don’t seem to care. Just a little unnerving is all This is quite a valid question. They may not possess the … Read moreNorth Korea gonna kill us all? Not sure about that.. but it’s funny how little attention their threats are getting