space junk
WTF indeed
I’m trying to find any good information about the space debris that was at to hit the Indian Ocean near Sri Lanka last night .. And there isn’t much there .. For al the hype there’s little actually being reported now during the aftermath hours.. There is one article here I found explaining that there … Read moreWTF indeed
Friday the 13th. Don’t walk under a ladder. Or stand under space junk..
A mysterious chunk of space debris will hit Earth off the coast of Sri Lanka on November 13. Scientists have no clear idea what it is, other than that it is likely artificial in origin, and have dubbed the object WT1190F.
MORE.. “It’s a lost piece of space history that’s come back to haunt us,” Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told Nature. Detected by the Catalina Sky Survey, an observation lab at the University of Tucson, the alleged piece of space debris initially puzzled observers. But astronomers then went back through … Read moreA mysterious chunk of space debris will hit Earth off the coast of Sri Lanka on November 13. Scientists have no clear idea what it is, other than that it is likely artificial in origin, and have dubbed the object WT1190F.
Space station moves away from space junk
Don’t forget.. there’s TONS of space junk out there.. Space station moves away from space junk