STOCKS TUMBLE!! OIL RUMBLES!! LOTTERY FUMBLES!? The Dow Jones Industrial plunged 370 points today. Standard and Poor’s 500 index fell below 1900..Brent crude prices dropped below $30 for the first time in 11 years.. And tonight, if you’re lucky, you may be a billionaire after 11pm when the Powerball is drawn.. Now you’re chance. Risk … Read moreALL IN ONE DAY

Chinese stocks in Hong Kong fell to the lowest level in four years as mainland shares plunged, forcing an early halt to trading for the second day this week after the central bank cut its yuan reference rate by the most since August.

Chinese stocks in Hong Kong fell to the lowest level in four years as mainland shares plunged, forcing an early halt to trading for the second day this week after the central bank cut its yuan reference rate by the most since August.