Blizzard-like conditions coming. I’d rather use the term ‘blizzardy’

Blizzard-like conditions are likely tomorrow evening for most of New Jersey, the New York City metropolitan area, all of Long Island, most of Delaware, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, all of Rhode Island, and portions of eastern Pennsylvania. The term “blizzard” is related to windspeed more so than amount of snow. It will be very cold .. … Read moreBlizzard-like conditions coming. I’d rather use the term ‘blizzardy’

Nearly 530,000 customers have lost power in nine northeastern states during the blizzard that is blanketing the region. Over 300,000 of those CNN report My power blinked only once. Luckily. I’m warm enough to go shovel now … Thank goodness we didn’t get 3 feet here..

The Saturday morning Frankenstorm update

Accuweather has a running live blog as events develop about Sandy.. Henry Margusity has a great blog and you can also find up to date information from him on Twitter Here are all of the latest maps and coordinates of Sandy The Weather Channel has great coverage of the storm And finally here is a goodnews feed andphoto … Read moreThe Saturday morning Frankenstorm update

Blares and flares.. if the CME don’t kill ya the magnetic storm may

Sunspot AR1429 has unleashed another strong solar flare, an M6-class eruption on March 9th at 0358 UT. The blast hurled a coronal mass ejection almost directly toward Earth..Forecast track.. News outlets and other sources breathed a collective sigh of relief when no major issues occurred from the solar flare unleashed two days ago – but What … Read moreBlares and flares.. if the CME don’t kill ya the magnetic storm may