Study: Government Tracking Movement of Every Vehicle with License Plate
Well how about that then! Study: Government Tracking Movement of Every Vehicle with License Plate
Well how about that then! Study: Government Tracking Movement of Every Vehicle with License Plate
Suzanne Moore: The internet is being snooped on and CCTV is everywhere. How did we come to accept that this is just the way things are? Oh sheeple. You are all so funny. And fraught with dangerous thinking. When states monitored their citizens we used to call them authoritarian. Now we think this is what keeps … Read moreWhen states monitored their citizens we used to call them authoritarian. Now we think this is what keeps us safe
Could be an interesting COAST TO COAT AM with John B. Wells tonight .. Tune in if you’re awake and sober to hear the sobering news of surveillance and harassment. Roger Tolces, will discuss how surveillance and harassment has shifted from hardware to bio-coded directed energy, and the various technologies being used to manipulate individuals. … Read more
Indeed .. The Washington Post reported on Sunday that the District of Columbia is engaging in widespread tracking of citizen’s movements using automated license plate readers (ALPRs). According to the Post, the D.C. police: Are running more than one ALPR per square mile; Are planning on sharply increasing the density of these devices until they … Read moreLicense Plate Scanners Logging Our Every Move
City officials said the blimp will help them stop crime. Get ready for an eye in the sky: Big Brother can see the entire city as Ogden, Utah, will use a blimp as a surveillance system