This beautiful image comes from CBS 21 in Harrisburg .. it’s the Susquehanna River, obviously iced over from a long winter.. More snow and ice coming Sunday into Monday. The scene may get even colder looking..
susquehanna river
Some amazing photos from Northeastern PA of the flooding
Some amazing photos from Northeastern PA of the flooding
River worries..
I know what the projections say.. I know they are talking about rivers being dangerously above flood levels–and the highest since Agnes in ‘72. But something deep down thinks their projections are off a bit and the river levels may end up being higher than projected.. What is troubling me is the rain pattern, how … Read moreRiver worries..
This composite is the amount of rainfall in a 24-hour period ending 6am this morning..It’s almost like God has cursed this area.. the exact locations of the heaviest is where the Susquehanna River picks up steam.. This is unheard of rainfall.. As said before, some of this rain, 9 inches or more in some locations, … Read more
…take a look at radar and satellite. Katia is so large and so strong in the Atlantic it seemingly is blocking Lee from moving out! Every time the rain seems to end, more forms.. all the way down to Virginia.. still a line of storms and strong rain. And even worse for those on the … Read moreI THINK WE CAN THANK KATIA..
Highest levels since Agnes for Susquehanna River towns in Pennsylvania
It’s going to be a long weekend for a lot of people.. Highest levels since Agnes for Susquehanna River towns in Pennsylvania
Bloomsburg, PA, right now.. And lots of other places that are being flooded by the tropical system formerly known as Lee look the same as I type…