Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is worth the time

….Unfortunately it will take a lot of time. I am not the biggest fan of very long movies. That was perhaps my only complaint about this one.. The movie seemed to be very, very long at a few points especially during dialogue.. But like a friend who has redeeming qualities beneath the boring exterior, the … Read moreGuardians of the Galaxy 2 is worth the time

The Daddy of Five becomes the Daddy of Three.. and the fame was history.

The Maryland couple who went viral after posting controversial videos of them playing “pranks” on their kids have lost custody of the two youngest children, at least temporarily, the Baltimore Sun reports. They are called the DaddyOFive on Youtube.. they are otherwise known as Michael and Heather Martin. And just recently they posted a public apology on … Read moreThe Daddy of Five becomes the Daddy of Three.. and the fame was history.

Stranger things: Interview with a Centralia director

Before beginning, a few tidbits of information need revealing. I was born and raised in Centralia. At least for a time, until my family was forced out along with many others in the 1980s. The time was strange.. as a child, it felt surreal. Upended.. odd…last minute rites to a town that was. And as … Read moreStranger things: Interview with a Centralia director

The harvest: Missing people in the modern era 

I read MISSING 411 in about one day. That’s not to say David Paulides’ book was a lackluster effort at entertainment, but just the opposite. I could not put it down, with each page offering thought provoking tale after another about missing people, cases of the extraordinary, and unbelievable stories about people who vanished. There … Read moreThe harvest: Missing people in the modern era