This is one cool rockin’ Pope. Francis will not be conducting a mass at the typical place others have. According to the TELEGRAPH, he’s heading to a prison instead. Nick Squires from the TELEGRAPH reports, Francis, who has broken the mould with his informal approach and unscheduled walkabouts, will conduct next week’s Holy Thursday service … Read more
Strange times at the Vatican: An activist says that the new Pope supported civil unions as a Cardinal
Next we will find out he wants priests to marry! Then again, he was in love as a kid.. Hmmm… Strange times at the Vatican: An activist says that the new Pope supported civil unions as a Cardinal
The Pope of surprises.. now he’s making speeches off the cuff, scaring people by showing up in different places around the Vatican, and kissing babies.. As NBC news reported this morning: Earlier, he began his first Sunday as pontiff by making an impromptu appearance to the public from a side gate of the Vatican, startling … Read more
Birds of a feather Assisi together. While the world was waiting for the new Pope to be revealed, before the white smoke was even rising, birds were resting on the chimney at St. Peter’s Square..Perhaps only odd because of the Pope’s name. St. Francis of Assisi had a love for animals…his is often painted with … Read more
Interesting comparison.. St. Peter’s Square in 2005 and then 2013.. What a difference only a few years makes. It actually makes 2005 look like it was in the stone age.. pre-iPhone. If you can remember that far back..
The Pope leaves the Vatican. NIXON STYLE.
The Vatican is denying rumors of gay clergy, money scandals and sex.
….Because we have come to believe everything that the Vatican tells us regarding scandal clergy, money, and sex. The Vatican is denying rumors of gay clergy, money scandals and sex.