Sugar Is Definitely Toxic, a New Study Says

First meat and cancer.. Hot dogs and human DNA.. And. Now the sacred cow and holy grail of Halloween buckets across the world: Sugary candy.. From TIME: “ But proving that the rise of the chronic diseases was actually linked to higher sugar consumption is a challenge. Dr. Robert Lustig, from the department of pediatrics … Read moreSugar Is Definitely Toxic, a New Study Says

WAR! Industry rebels ahead of WHO report declaring red and processed meats ‘cause cancer’ – including sausages and bacon

The food war is about to get mean.. A WHO report is going to label certain processed meats to be as bad as smoking.. The food industry is fighting back early. While industry groups are preparing for a damaging blow to consumer confidence as a result, The North American Meat Institute (Nami) has accused the … Read moreWAR! Industry rebels ahead of WHO report declaring red and processed meats ‘cause cancer’ – including sausages and bacon

WOMAN IN PAIN WRITES: I Ditched the Painkillers for a Plant-Based Diet: A trio of chronic medical disorders had debilitated a 26-year-old woman since birth – until she ditched Western medicine and discovered her own treatment.

And … IT WORKED. WOMAN IN PAIN WRITES: I Ditched the Painkillers for a Plant-Based Diet: A trio of chronic medical disorders had debilitated a 26-year-old woman since birth – until she ditched Western medicine and discovered her own treatment.

I am a relatively new fan of your videos, plus those of your significant other.. I am also attempting to get off the toxic once and for all, a five year event so far with me to the point now where I am only eating fish now and then, but phasing everything out. Fish is next to go. But question, did you ever fall off the wagon during your adventures so far?

highcarbhannah: I think when everyone first goes vegan they screw up a few times for sure during the transition period. The time that I messed up were when I was drinking alcohol, which led me to quit drinking altogether but my advice would be look up how much methyl mercury and other toxic crap there … Read moreI am a relatively new fan of your videos, plus those of your significant other.. I am also attempting to get off the toxic once and for all, a five year event so far with me to the point now where I am only eating fish now and then, but phasing everything out. Fish is next to go. But question, did you ever fall off the wagon during your adventures so far?

Just started following High Carb Hannah

The site .. I’m not completely at a no animal fats point yet but my diet has significantly altered over the past decade to get me closer.. The thoughts of how I ate in my early 20s is horrible considering how I feel now compared to then.. I don’t like getting preachy about food, … Read moreJust started following High Carb Hannah