The world’s next disaster could be a volcano? CAMPI FLEGREI: MAGMA BUILDING
CAMPI FLEGREI: MAGMA BUILDING in the famed Italian super volcano..
CAMPI FLEGREI: MAGMA BUILDING in the famed Italian super volcano..
The idea that there may be a super volcano brewing under Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire is something of a surprise. “Our study challenges the established notion of how the continents on which we live behave,” Professor Levin says. “It challenges the textbook concepts taught in introductory geology classes.” — Read on Well how’s … Read moreA new supervolcano is brewing under Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire
Green Lake, the largest freshwater lake on Hawaii’s Big Island, has completely disappeared, another victim of the Kilauea volcano, according to the U.S. Geological Survey! Lava from Fissure 8 begin pouring into the lake on June 2, turning it into a roiling cauldron. A thick, white plume of water vapor billowed hundreds of feet over … Read moreGreen Lake is gone!?
The Philippines’ most active volcano has begun erupting again, after thousands of people on the main island of Luzon were earlier forced to evacuate. A photo of Mayon volcano published late Monday local time by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) showed lava flows pouring down its side and a large plume of … Read morePHILIPPINES VOLCANO ALERT!
There are fears that a devastating blow could take place within the next seventy or eighty years.. And not just Yellowstone but any of the world’s big volcanoes.. As reported in here days previous, some experts think we are now heading into ‘volcano season’ when things of this nature are going to occur.. Yellowstone about … Read moreYellowstone about to blow? 1 in 10 chance super-volcano will ‘kill millions’
So there you go, then. Yes, it’s really ‘volcano season,’ say scientists.. And: There’s a 5 percent to 10 percent chance in the next 80 years, scientists say, one of these eruptions will kill millions of people and poison the atmosphere beyond the imagination of anything man’s activity could do in 1,000 years.
Now, a team of Berkeley-based scientists are suggesting a sort of compromise, and one based on facts and data rather than attempts to smooth over tensions. According to a recent study that will soon be published in Science, researchers suggest that the asteroid impact may have accelerated the volcano explosions, and the combined fallout from … Read moreDinosaurs may have been wiped out by asteroid and volcano
MASSIVE eruptions in Japan – Sakurajima Volcano blows its top (Source:
The planet is amazing.. the planet is scary. This is the scene in the Pacific in Tonga… a volcano has been erupting for about a month.. And suddenly a new island has appeared. Tonga now has 177 islands. Update your maps accordingly..
The planet is amazing.. the planet is scary. This is the scene in the Pacific in Tonga… a volcano has been erupting for about a month.. And suddenly a new island has appeared. Tonga now has 177 islands. Update your maps accordingly..