North Korea gonna kill us all? Not sure about that.. but it’s funny how little attention their threats are getting

artistaespiritu: Why aren’t we more freaked out about North Korea aiming missles at us. They’ve basically told us, “hey we are probably going to bomb you, just giving you a heads up” and we don’t seem to care. Just a little unnerving is all This is quite a valid question. They may not possess the … Read moreNorth Korea gonna kill us all? Not sure about that.. but it’s funny how little attention their threats are getting

All the trouble in the world: Bill Gertz reports, United States B-52 bombers carried out simulated nuclear bombing raids on North Korea as part of ongoing U.S.-South Korean military exercises, Pentagon officials said on Monday. Pentagon press secretary George Little told reporters that B-52 bombers from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, conducted a training mission over South Korea March 8 during war games known as Exercise Foal Eagle

No word on what role Dennis Rodman would play.. or whose side he’d be on anyway. All the trouble in the world: Bill Gertz reports, United States B-52 bombers carried out simulated nuclear bombing raids on North Korea as part of ongoing U.S.-South Korean military exercises, Pentagon officials said on Monday. Pentagon press secretary George … Read moreAll the trouble in the world: Bill Gertz reports, United States B-52 bombers carried out simulated nuclear bombing raids on North Korea as part of ongoing U.S.-South Korean military exercises, Pentagon officials said on Monday. Pentagon press secretary George Little told reporters that B-52 bombers from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, conducted a training mission over South Korea March 8 during war games known as Exercise Foal Eagle

The world at war: Darkness prevails. Even though love abounds.

I have been doing some thinking lately about all this violence, chaos, and nonsense surrounding us on this planet. I haven’t posted anything overly meaningful here in quite some time, so no better time than the present, I suppose. I look at most things now through vision of a father. I became a proud dad … Read moreThe world at war: Darkness prevails. Even though love abounds.

If it’s not one axis of evil nation, it’s the other

Fireworks over the Middle East.. not celebrations of American independence but instead a test of global security: Iran has test fired missiles in a war of nerves.. According to Reuters and other news sources tonight, Iran says that it has successfully test fired medium range missile … these missiles, according to reports, are capable of … Read moreIf it’s not one axis of evil nation, it’s the other

The horrible details of the Afghanistan killings revealed

DETAILS REVEALED: US SOLDIER GOES ON HOUSE-TO-HOUSE MURDER RAMPAGE IN AFGHANISTAN  *GRAPHIC IMAGES* This is troubling.. Very troubling. It makes the Koran burning look tame. A soldier, maybe drunk according to some reports, and mentally breaking down according to others, goes on a house-to-house rampage. Killing innocent children and men and women in combat happens.. … Read moreThe horrible details of the Afghanistan killings revealed