By now you’ve seen or heard about the horrible event last night involving Louisville player Kevin Ware. (Video here, watch at your own risk) It was so graphic that CBS even halted replays of the leg break.. It’s most obviously the water cooler talk this morning and will be rehashed over and over again throughout … Read more
NORTH KOREA ENTERS ‘STATE OF WAR’ WITH SOUTH KOREA“As of now, inter-Korea relations enter a state of war and all matters between the two Koreas will be handled according to wartime protocol,” the North said in a joint statement attributed to all government bodies and institutions.
North Korea gonna kill us all? Not sure about that.. but it’s funny how little attention their threats are getting
artistaespiritu: Why aren’t we more freaked out about North Korea aiming missles at us. They’ve basically told us, “hey we are probably going to bomb you, just giving you a heads up” and we don’t seem to care. Just a little unnerving is all This is quite a valid question. They may not possess the … Read moreNorth Korea gonna kill us all? Not sure about that.. but it’s funny how little attention their threats are getting
All the trouble in the world: Bill Gertz reports, United States B-52 bombers carried out simulated nuclear bombing raids on North Korea as part of ongoing U.S.-South Korean military exercises, Pentagon officials said on Monday. Pentagon press secretary George Little told reporters that B-52 bombers from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, conducted a training mission over South Korea March 8 during war games known as Exercise Foal Eagle
No word on what role Dennis Rodman would play.. or whose side he’d be on anyway. All the trouble in the world: Bill Gertz reports, United States B-52 bombers carried out simulated nuclear bombing raids on North Korea as part of ongoing U.S.-South Korean military exercises, Pentagon officials said on Monday. Pentagon press secretary George … Read moreAll the trouble in the world: Bill Gertz reports, United States B-52 bombers carried out simulated nuclear bombing raids on North Korea as part of ongoing U.S.-South Korean military exercises, Pentagon officials said on Monday. Pentagon press secretary George Little told reporters that B-52 bombers from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, conducted a training mission over South Korea March 8 during war games known as Exercise Foal Eagle
Tension in the Middle East escalates as Israel strikes back against Hamas
Tension in the Middle East escalates as Israel strikes back against Hamas
CNN profiles a war child from Sierra Leone, who said killing was like drinking water
True horror in the world existed and still does.. 300,000 children worldwide in some type of conflict fighting. And when the war and killing ends, true peace never comes. Have we learned nothing in 2000+ years? CNN profiles a war child from Sierra Leone, who said killing was like drinking water
The world at war: Darkness prevails. Even though love abounds.
I have been doing some thinking lately about all this violence, chaos, and nonsense surrounding us on this planet. I haven’t posted anything overly meaningful here in quite some time, so no better time than the present, I suppose. I look at most things now through vision of a father. I became a proud dad … Read moreThe world at war: Darkness prevails. Even though love abounds.
If it’s not one axis of evil nation, it’s the other
Fireworks over the Middle East.. not celebrations of American independence but instead a test of global security: Iran has test fired missiles in a war of nerves.. According to Reuters and other news sources tonight, Iran says that it has successfully test fired medium range missile … these missiles, according to reports, are capable of … Read moreIf it’s not one axis of evil nation, it’s the other
The horrible details of the Afghanistan killings revealed
DETAILS REVEALED: US SOLDIER GOES ON HOUSE-TO-HOUSE MURDER RAMPAGE IN AFGHANISTAN *GRAPHIC IMAGES* This is troubling.. Very troubling. It makes the Koran burning look tame. A soldier, maybe drunk according to some reports, and mentally breaking down according to others, goes on a house-to-house rampage. Killing innocent children and men and women in combat happens.. … Read moreThe horrible details of the Afghanistan killings revealed
A blast from the past: Reagan vs. RFK. The debate that never ends?The more things change the more they stay the same.. (Source: