Soldiers watched a firework display in Pyongyang to celebrate…

Soldiers watched a firework display in Pyongyang to celebrate the launch of North Korea’s first ICBM (AFP Photo/KIM Won-Jin) MORE.. Fireworks lit up the sky over Pyongyang’s Juche Tower as North Korea celebrated its launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile, a milestone in its decades-long weapons drive. The stone monument to the ideology of founder … Read moreSoldiers watched a firework display in Pyongyang to celebrate…

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has said America is prepared to use military force against North Korea in the wake of its latest missile test. Ms Haley called the test – of an intercontinental ballistic missile that experts say may able to hit Alaska – “reckless and irresponsible” and a “clear and sharp military escalation”.

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has said America is prepared to use military force against North Korea in the wake of its latest missile test. Ms Haley called the test – of an intercontinental ballistic missile that experts say may able to hit Alaska – “reckless and irresponsible” and a “clear and … Read moreUS Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has said America is prepared to use military force against North Korea in the wake of its latest missile test. Ms Haley called the test – of an intercontinental ballistic missile that experts say may able to hit Alaska – “reckless and irresponsible” and a “clear and sharp military escalation”.

scarystoriestouploadinthedark: TRUMP APRIL 26 TRUMP APRIL…

scarystoriestouploadinthedark: TRUMP APRIL 26 TRUMP APRIL 26 …. From reports, today was an important day for the future of the world..  The solid and trusted reporter Bill Gertz shares this today: The Senate took part in a rare White House briefing on Wednesday to hear what senior leaders described as “an urgent national security threat” posed … Read morescarystoriestouploadinthedark: TRUMP APRIL 26 TRUMP APRIL…

KHNL: Hawaii panel asks state to prepare for North Korea attack

KHNL: Hawaii panel asks state to prepare for North Korea attack: HONOLULU (AP) – Hawaii lawmakers want state officials to update plans for coping with a nuclear attack as North Korea develops nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles that can reach the islands. The state House Public Safety Committee unanimously passed a resolution Thursday. Committee Vice … Read moreKHNL: Hawaii panel asks state to prepare for North Korea attack