Who’s mighty now? Not so mighty: Mississippi at record lows, forces ligher barges..Mississippi River dropping in Memphis..Receding Mississippi exposing historic relics.. The Midwest is suffering its worst drought in 50 years.. Could this be the ‘new’ norm? Will the United States go from bread basket of the world to the dust bowl of the planet? … Read more

This seems to be a slow motion unfolding disaster in the Mid Atlantic.. heat and no electricity, no lights in sight and no end of the heat coming either

5 million without power originally. Now it’s 2 million. But put it into perspective: After Hurricane Katrina, the most without power was 3 million…  Power companies hope to have at least 90% restored by FRIDAY this week..  Of course there will be more heat and more storms throughout… This seems to be a slow motion unfolding … Read moreThis seems to be a slow motion unfolding disaster in the Mid Atlantic.. heat and no electricity, no lights in sight and no end of the heat coming either

A truly dangerous situation developing across the nation of heat

Lives are in danger and the heat is excessive. In 20 states today an excessive heat warning is active while million remain without power due to wild storms in the past 48 hours.. The historic heat and lack of power have prompted officials to tell many, especially the elderly and those who have trouble breathing in normal … Read moreA truly dangerous situation developing across the nation of heat

The weather outside is NOT frightful

And to some, that may be anything but delightful. Including President Barack Obama, who according to the WEEKLY STANDARD, spoke to a gathering of persons who spent over $30,000 a plate to see him talk. Along with the throngs of wealthy were the gaggle of reporters, reporters who were present to hear the President prognosticate about the current … Read moreThe weather outside is NOT frightful