Hail.. tornado watches.. heavy rain. It’s all here

The heavy storms have moved east.. here in the deep and dark abandoned coal region of Pennsylvania, heavy hail is pounding roofs, sidewalks, and car windows.. Tornado watches sounding.. heavy rain falling..  There is something going on. The weather is intense. These storms, as they has moved through the nation, has brought pure and utter … Read moreHail.. tornado watches.. heavy rain. It’s all here

This image, showing trees stripped bare after a devastating tornado hit Joplin, Missouri, May 23, 2011, taken by Reuters’ Eric Thayer.. Chilling.. disturbing.. amazing. The power of nature.. rolling storms taking out lives, limbs, property, and the aura of safety that surrounds so many of us.. Even Schmuckraker home base had a surprise tornado warning … Read more

Pretty large storm just rolled through Coal Country

All is well.. As a matter of fact, not sure if there was a tornado or not, but crazed paranoid daddy made the family barricade ourselves in the basement in a room with no windows. Safety first! …maybe paranoia first …  And after the storm rolled through, a double rainbow formed.. I have no video … Read morePretty large storm just rolled through Coal Country

Millions without power.. millions affected by massive storms rolling across the United States..

What an amazing night .. history made. Living through history is never good.. and this outbreak of tornadoes is just that way: Not good. Amazing video.. frightening developments.. Sad night for so many without food and shelter.  Nothing said or done will bring back the 280+ lives not on earth tonight that were living their … Read moreMillions without power.. millions affected by massive storms rolling across the United States..