It’s a really ugly night in the East.. Tornado warnings and watches popping up.. severe weather abounds.. Ugly night, a shame it happens on a Saturday My empathy definitely goes out to those in the South who are left homeless because of severe nature tonight..
First thunderstorm and down pour of spring from last night.. I’m looking for some good thunderstorm videos and sounds if anyone wants to pass then along to me..
A sad night in Iowa: Over one half of a town has been damaged by a severe weather outbreak
A sad night in Iowa: Over one half of a town has been damaged by a severe weather outbreak
Something else for us all to worry about: Naked penguins. Apparently they are now choosing to lose their feathers.
April fools
Waking up to the words of weather predictions calling for up to 8 inches if snow by tomorrow. The winter that never ends hitting again..,
A cold spring night.
Before I write anything else, it’s worth noting: It feels like mid December .. And it’s spring time. The days are getting longer but not warmer, at least not here in the East, where cold seemingly snuggled into the lands back in January and stuck around ever since. Snowstorm after snowstorm, brief thaws that only … Read moreA cold spring night.
As the sun becomes active.. be alert
We need more lerts. And The Solar Dynamics Observatory has released a new video of a very active sun.. A ‘sun tentacle’ was seen.. You can always find the latest and greatest–or not so great–news on solar eruptions and other space news on It’s worth a visit..
Iced: I still cannot believe this is what trees look like in spring in my backyard..
March came in like a lion and never stopped roaring
Right now: 33 degrees, sleeting. And it’s thundering with flashes of lightning.. And it’s spring. And it’s all weird.
Think winter is over? .. If you’re on the East Coast, there is a chance March 20th will make you think otherwise
Think winter is over? .. If you’re on the East Coast, there is a chance March 20th will make you think otherwise