winter storm
WINTER ENDING WITH A BANG. And a storm named THOR. Somewhat appropriate.
This is what an ice storm looks like, and it’s happening today. Good luck to all in purple..
Too soon to know.. but very timely to prepare. There may be not one but two major snowstorms hitting the East Coast this weekend into next week.. If that occurs, we will be having heart pains and shoveling. If it does not, I will be grateful.. I am getting a little sick of the hazy … Read more
Too soon to know.. but very timely to prepare. There may be not one but two major snowstorms hitting the East Coast this weekend into next week.. If that occurs, we will be having heart pains and shoveling. If it does not, I will be grateful.. I am getting a little sick of the hazy … Read more
From Accuweather. Prepare now, I guess..
Latest AP story on the massive winter storm rolling across the nation — and causing misery as it travels
This storm, if no other, is the best reason we should begin naming winter storms.. This may be one of the most massive colossal systems in recent memory of the lower 48 .. Latest AP story on the massive winter storm rolling across the nation — and causing misery as it travels
Colossal winter storm poised to strike: Warnings from New Mexico to Maine!
Colossal winter storm poised to strike: Warnings from New Mexico to Maine!