Fluoride through the years

Or information that you’d rather not know, as the news so often consists of tidbits and facts that make life much more miserable than they should be.

But miserable as it all could very well be, we’re stuck on earth in the system. So enjoy the Matrix.

From the world called earth, circa 2011: Fluoride was considered a glorious bounty from God himself only a few years ago. What child doesn’t have a vague recollection of horrible-tasting fluoride tablets being given to them in grade school? Some kids were lucky enough to have “cherry flavored” fluoride. And that’s not to mention the water supplies being filled with the tooth decay ‘preventative.’ So many years.. so many cavities later.. and what today have we been told? “There is too much fluoride in the water.” As a matter of fact, it’s so much so that the government is going to cut down the amounts put into water supplies. Now if only someone can ask the tough question: Is there too much fluoride in our toothpaste?

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