We were busy recollecting some nostalgia by watching this glorious VHS copy of when Halloween 4 appeared on television .. commercials galore. Edited for your TV viewing pleasure.. But when we get to the mark, we noticed something interesting. An advertisement for Halloween 5–and a 900 number.

Now 900 numbers were quite a thing when I still in single digits. If you were alive then you may recall the 900 Freddy Krueger numbers. The sex lines. The psychics.. It was a different time and era. But this number, 1-900-860-0700, produced an interesting response..

Dialing 1-900-860-0700 prompted you to guide a potential victim of Michael Myers to safety.. Michael most likely always won. The hotline itself aired directly after the end of television promos for the film. 

The hotline itself aired directly after the end of television promos for the film. The voice on the other end would give you a variety of places that could be found in said film, like the Tower Farm or the Children’s Clinic, to send Michael’s prey for safety.

Undoubtedly people who were alive at the time recall being in big trouble from their parents by racking up huge 900 phone bills. It was easy to do, you paid by the minute.

Too bad no one recorded the actual audio from the call–we have tried our best but cannot find anything proving someone did.

If you call it now, it is disconnected.. Which is good since in today’s dollars the call would be 5 bucks a minute..