Happy new year! The dreaded April fools news day

Every single year on April 1, websites and news organizations think they are being ‘funny’ by promoting fake stories in a hope to ‘trick people’ and go viral..

And you know what? it is moronic and annoying.

Seriously.. we were tired of it two decades ago when it became the ‘en vogue’ thing to do.

Nothing has ever been humorous or enjoyable.. most of has been really, really dumb. The stuff that was not really dumb was just beyond aggravating and immature..

April fools day is a ridiculous day in the end anyway.

But while we are speaking about it.. let’s trace back some origin stories for April 1 being April fools.. Or .. is it new years?

So some believe it began in France in 1564. Before 1564, April 1 was celebrated as New Year’s Day. Those who insisted on celebrating the “old” New Year’s became known as April Fools, and it became common to play jokes on one another..

Other evidence indicated that April Fools’ Day existed, in some form or other, long before 1564 in France, when English poet Geoffrey Chaucer is noted to reference it in his Canterbury Tales, when the characters of a rooster and a fox each trick one another.. This reference would have been in the late 1300s. Chaucer notes that the date of the events described is March 32, also known as April 1. 

And since EVERYTHING is pagan, why not April fools, too!

Some theorize that April fools may have grown out of the ancient Roman festival Hilaria, the establishment of the Gregorian calendar, or any number of vernal equinox celebrations..

Loki’s role in the festivities has faded in and out of mainstream thought, but some Pagans and self-described Heathens actually refer to April Fool’s Day as Loki’s Day or Lokiblót, and spend the day celebrating the mythic trickster. (For the record, some Wiccans celebrate Loki with a festival in late July).

Now you know.. Something? Or nothing.

You decide.

Actually you know what, the New Years version from 1564 sounds the best for us. So .. Happy New Years!

Be the fool and wish that today instead of April fools. Be the ultimate historical fool.