I can hear the song now! This is the dawning of the age of Ophiuchus.. Sort of has a ring to it. nbcnews: Starting 2012 a new zodiac sign, Ophiuchus (pronounced off-ee-YOO-cuss) Nov 30 – Dec 17.
Day: January 14, 2011
Come on Coal Region of Pennsylvania!! You can do better than this! fyufos: Density of UFO sightings in the USA (by County) Interactive map here.
My God I think I’ll have to stop watching this..
A kid just got a spider bite on INFESTED on the Animal Planet, and he went into a great amount of detail about the green puss comng from the open wounds on his arm..
This may be, without question, the most frightening reality show on TV.. And it’s on the Animal Planet! NOTHING on the Animal Planet, with the exception of zebra being devoured by lions, should be frightening. But this show is.. Very much.
Amazing image of Mount Etna erupting..
It’s not just Australia
Brazil deluged..
Fueling worries
Unemployment figures today were less than great news, and now this: OPEC and the world watching oil prices as they near $100 a barrel..