Beware the earth wobble..

After research and thought, I may have finally figured out whether or not my sign has changed from Virgo to Leo..

Shine from Yahoo! actually helped me with this tonight:

What this means to you: If you follow astrology that is linked to the constellations, your sign would go from say, a Gemini to a Taurus. You could even have a 13th sign, Ophiuchus, which you may have read about

So I think after all of this confusion, and after all of this wondering as to what my real sign is, it’s safe to conclude I can sleep easier this Friday night knowing, that after all this, I am probably still a Virgo.

The Yahoo story concludes:

In short, if you follow the Sidereal astrology, the Eastern branch, your sign may have shifted. (And most likely, no surprise to you at all: This news is hundreds of years old).

So if I follow neither, which I do, then I’m fine. Sleep easy Virgo the Virgin, you’re not a Leo after all!