Study: Rise in Some Head and Neck Cancers Tied to Oral Sex
Study: Rise in Some Head and Neck Cancers Tied to Oral Sex
Study: Rise in Some Head and Neck Cancers Tied to Oral Sex
Protests spread.. first Tunisia, now Egypt, as people protest governments..Egypt rocked..Energized from Tunisia..
Onlookers baffled as crop circle appears in Indonesian rice paddy..Draws crowds and rumors in Indonesia..Alien activity?Net celeb UFO Phil says his pyramid will provide jobs and energy..
Thanks for the question, I appreciate it. And yes, life itself is a contradiction. It’s a paradox. And as Bonnie Tyler once said, it’s a heartache. But while I cannot describe my “contradiction” in a positive light, I can tell you that I stand by my really EARLY post today (Permalink ∞) .. I think … Read moreForgive me for being confused, Coal Speaker, but if I’m not mistaken, earlier today you said you wished the senators and congressman would sit apart and be partisan, but now you’re making fun of the “high school” nature of the SOTU? A paradox? a contradiction?
Cantor invites Pelosi to sit together at SOTU BUT.. Nancy Pelosi said no. Time for Eric Cantor to find another date As if the annual State of the Union couldn’t get more ‘high school’..
…my wife and I, expecting a child for months, are in the final stages of pregnancy. It’s almost here.. the baby is in place. The parents are ready to pace. The baby’s room will be the place. Stay tuned… for that and for many other things, which you can find on a daily basis here … Read moreWithout going into personal details…
Maybe she’d enjoy some Taco Bell while she’s at it–at least there’d be more of a chance her couch cushions have meat than the Bell.. Meet the woman who eats couch cushions
A lawsuit says beef at Taco Bell doesn’t constitute real meat. Cows were elated until they found out they’d still be ground up, but just mixed with water, wheat oats, soy lecithin, maltodrextrin, anti-dusting agent and modified corn starch. Mooo. Where’s the beef? Apparently not Taco Bell
Is it wrong to wish for Congresspersons and Senators to sit apart tonight? I know unity is in but was divided government ever that bad?
The union is strong.?As it is every year. Along with commentators stating ‘this is the most important speech of {insert president} political life!’ and ‘this is a make or break moment!’ Not saying it’s not meaningful.. Or that I won’t watch it. But I just most likely watch the post-speech nonsense from talking heads with … Read moreThe State of the Union ‘will be strong’ and other likely things