A V for victory in Egypt
Day: January 28, 2011
What’s going on in Egypt?
What’s going on in Egypt?
The images from Egypt are unbelievable
While Egypt burns eyes turn toward an anxious White House…
Oil spikes on Egypt protests
Oil spikes on Egypt protests
Amazing video of protests in Egypt
Amazing video of protests in Egypt
Egypt deploys military forces to battle protesters
The world is watching..
Wes Craven’s newest nightmare: Reports of SCREAM 4 reshoots persist..First official trailer for SCREAM 4….and the second..Did Wes Craven accidentially reveal a spoiler? Anthony Hopkins reveals a secret atheist message placed into new horror film THE RITE..The real priest behind THE RITE film..Anthony Hopkins exoricsm horror flick expected to be number 1 film of the … Read moreHORROR– THE FAKE KIND
It don’t come easy… (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Who are we? Why are we here?
New information suggests that humans left Africa thousands of years before previously thought.. turning right and heading across the Red Sea into Arabia rather than following the Nile to a northern exit, an international team of researchers says…
This is Egypt, 2011Protesters take to the streets in Yemen to demand change..Egypt protests continue.. Facebook says it saw a drop in traffic Thursday night from Egypt..Net disruptions..Technology becomes tool of change for Arab world..How social media is changing the region.. SHUTDOWN: Every Egyptian provider, every business, bank, Internet cafe, website, school, embassy, and government … Read moreEGYPT AND YEMEN IN 2011