Greetings from a snowy East.

Ice and snow abounds..
Slush covers the grounds..
Misery in your town.

A rhyme is the best I can come up with to deal with the misery of yet another storm.. this time affecting over 100 million Americans. The future radar of my area is appalling, frightening, and yet mesmerizing. If what they say will happen indeed happens, it appears there will be a massive ice storm that by tomorrow will have over 1 inch of ice in parts of the dark coal region of Pennsylvania and many other places too. That is a prospect sure to cause fear.. power outages.. no heat during a cold storm that has snow, ice, and rain all mixed together.. It may be nasty.

Hopefully not. After all, the staple of the great winter storm, the frozen pizza, won’t be able to be made without power..

We are slaves to modern life, aren’t we?