A little note for Coasties out there

There has been more than some questions lately over the state of the long running late night radio show Coast to Coast AM, originally hosted by Art Bell and now George Noory. Art Bell vanished from the site in late 2010, only to put back on again–but rumors are rampant after a strange ‘30’ webcam … Read moreA little note for Coasties out there

While the most recent solar flare had little impact on earth besides beautiful photos in some areas, the sunspot activity in 1158 has not stopped yet And now a new cluster of 1161-1162 has erupted..Here are ten ways in which Google runs the world..

Free as a bird…The butterfly effect, Homeland Security version

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No it’s a new pocket sized spy device! Angry birds is taking on a whole new meaning.. this one isn’t a game, instead it’s a very real spy drone–and a pocket size version of one at that.. It was developed by a firm for the Pentagon, and we are … Read moreFree as a bird…The butterfly effect, Homeland Security version