The dress is killing her–literally

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I’m not a Hollywood star or starlet.. I’m not a mogul.. I’m not a part of the vast array of the rich and famous that grace the streets of Tinseltown.. But I also can say with confidence, I don’t know of anyone who would wear a dress so tight that it made the person go to the hospital due to pain!

That, however, is exactly what happened to Joan Collins at the Oscars, where she wore a dress so skin tight even her skin was shocked..

When you need hard hitting news about stars and their strange occurrences, turn no further than to the UK EXPRESS TIMES, which reports the event like this:

“We had been there for seven hours and I started feeling dizzy,” she told interviewers. “I tried to get some air but I felt really faint.”

At this point theatre manager Percy Gibson, 45, the star’s fifth husband, took decisive action. “I wanted to leave in our limo but Percy decided to call an ambulance,” added Joan.

“We went to the hospital and they did all the tests before the doctors told me I was absolutely fine and released me. The truth was, I made the wrong decision to wear a very tight dress and had something rather like a Victorian swoon.

Joan Collins can thank her 5th husband. No thanks to her taste in clothing..