The majesty of this morning’s sunrise is ruined by the fact most people are seeing it while driving somewhere they don’t really want to be
Month: March 2011
I guess I was a kid in ‘99.. An old man in ’11? A dad nonetheless. While the kids aren’t alright I hope mine will be.. Goodnight all. (Source:
Just an update
My son continues his war against sleep.. And so far he’s winning.
Maker of IV bags pulls product off market after 9 Alabama hospital patients die
Maker of IV bags pulls product off market after 9 Alabama hospital patients die
Obama to address high gas prices.. wants to increase the use of natural gas to power vehicles and increase production of ethanol.
Obama to address high gas prices.. wants to increase the use of natural gas to power vehicles and increase production of ethanol.
UFO Rattles Colorado Town
UFO Rattles Colorado Town
Laugh if you must, but I bet if you listen to this song by Celine Dion you’ll be humming it by the end.. Good evening everyone.. (Source:
I know I exist because I have a social security number A co-worker’s sneering answer on my earlier question of existence
Who are we? Why are we here?
Nevermind whether God exists.. I’ve often wondered, do we exist? Sure, to ourselves we do. But do others exist to us? We are conscious only of ourselves and cannot feel what others do, and in turn, they cannot feel what we do. Therefore, to others, we very well may not exist too. And if we … Read moreWho are we? Why are we here?
I hear the train a’coming.. Good morning everyone everywhere ..