This not only makes me sick to my stomach but it makes me fear that the Republic, as we knew it, is now dead. This reminds me of concentration-type slave training….
Day: April 12, 2011
So just in case life isn’t scary enough for you, try this one: Yellowstone Supervolcano Bigger Than Thought
Eatin’ good in the neighborhood.. but maybe not for kids
There was some news lately about an Applebees making a pretty big mistake: They served alcohol to an underage kid .. How young? A toddler! They gave liquor to a child, mistaking a margariti for juice.. And now the staff is going to be trained all over again.. According to a report on Reuters tonight: … Read moreEatin’ good in the neighborhood.. but maybe not for kids
Feeling like 1999 all over again: SCRAEM 4 on the cover of ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY..
Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois will introduce an internet tax bill after Easter
Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois will introduce an internet tax bill after Easter
First thunderstorm and down pour of spring from last night.. I’m looking for some good thunderstorm videos and sounds if anyone wants to pass then along to me..
Learning to fly? I’m just waiting for a baby to crawl.. Goodnight all. (Source:
Chernobyl: The 21st Century version
Japanese nuclear agency “provisionally” raises the threat level from a stricken power plant from 5 to 7, the most severe category.
On the advice of my sister..
I Netflixed-up the best of Wrestlemania tonight with my wife and newborn son, forgot about real life for a bit, and felt like a kid all over again. Thanks Erin. Now back to reality.. (After a few minutes humming Hulk Hogan’s ‘Real American’)