Florida busy spending tax dollars giving capes to the unemployed. Because people who don’t have jobs would rather be… superheros without jobs?

The AP reports the strange but true news from the tip of America: Florida officials are investigating an unemployment agency that spent public money to give 6,000 superhero capes to the jobless. Workforce Central Florida spent more than $14,000 on the red capes as part of its “Cape-A-Bility Challenge” public relations campaign. The campaign featured … Read moreFlorida busy spending tax dollars giving capes to the unemployed. Because people who don’t have jobs would rather be… superheros without jobs?

Some more interesting UFO news being revealed: J Edgar Hoover’s FBI took UFOs seriously..

This comes on the heels (but but in J Edgar’s heels) of yesterday’s revelations that John F. Kennedy wanted information on UFOs only ten days before he was assassinated in November 1963. The FBI vault has some cool stuff .. why certain things have been released now, though? I think we can all speculate until … Read moreSome more interesting UFO news being revealed: J Edgar Hoover’s FBI took UFOs seriously..