Iceland shuts its main airport
Iceland shuts its main airport
Iceland shuts its main airport
Intriguing story about scientists publicly saying that the Japan quake was ‘in the air’ a day before it occurred..
Too creepy even for Google’s standards… Stark warning against facial recognition technology from Schmidt..
Strike while the iron is hot: Shirts with Camping’s face reading ‘I survived the rapture and all I got was this lousy t-shirt’
…so will the Camping crowd go to Sunday mass? Did some commit suicide? Did some families break apart? Will ANYONE allow Harold Camping to yell that the world is ending again? I will not lie, I pity the folks that gave up their fortune–but I loathe the man who TOOK fortunes from followers.. Mr. Camping … Read moreWhen prophecy fails
Blast from the past.. with timeless words from the Talking Heads
And who can we thank for the world not ending? Macho Man Randy Savage of course!
Maybe it’s not the rapture, but earth’s core may be melting
Volcano erupts beneath a glacier in Iceland