Casey Anthony’s break down in court

The hardest parts of the for a human to take:

  • Superimposed skull over Caylee.
  • Speaking of animals gnawing on the bones of Caylee..
  • Hardcore evidence on maggots and where they were..

    Today was tough.. The spirit of Caylee Anthony was in court today.. I sensed Casey finally is coming to grips with what she did or what she knows.. I think perhaps her wild party animal 30 or so days she had while Caylee decomposed either in a car trunk or a bag in a field is coming back to haunt her…

    The images today are viral.. the implications of the evidence today is immense.

    And the evidence is so prejudicial that it could open a can of worms for the prosecution and quite possibly lead to a very strong defense appeal should Casey Anthony be found guilty…

  • Casey Anthony’s break down in court