Good morning…
Day: November 30, 2011
Santa Claus is judging your town
No really.. Store Santas are being taught in class how to judge a parent’s income before the kid sits on his lap.. X Box for Christmas!? How about a Slinky! Nothing like dashing the hopes of kids.. Hey Santa, you are in the 99% too!!
Jumpin Joe..
Lieberman is asking Google to ban terrorist content.. Defining terrorism could be the challenge… banning would be easy. This coinciding with a bill moving through the Senate allowing the Executive Branch to take American citizens to Gitmo indefinitely makes this Google/Lieberman story all the more chilling..
Police forcibly remove Occupy LA protesters..
Police forcibly remove Occupy LA protesters..
Homefront war
Battlefield America: Full steam ahead as Senate votes down provision to detainee bill
HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2 banned in Australia.. ‘Social proof’ is the new marketing.. Hearings delayed for 2 Penn State administrators charged with lying to grand jury in Sandusky case; new date Dec 16.. Baby with Down Syndrome takes the modeling world by storm.. Rand Paul and John McCain clash over detainee bill..