I really hope the Department of Homeland Security issues an advisory on turkey cooking tips’
Oh great!! They did! Now those evil doers can’t give me salmonella. . Slow week down in DC, Janet?
Oh great!! They did! Now those evil doers can’t give me salmonella. . Slow week down in DC, Janet?
Scientists reject speed of light claims from CERN… Whale graveyard found in desert.. Failure: US debt super-committee co-chairs unable to reach pact, say fiscal crisis can’t be left for next generation..Flop, drop: Debt deal collapses.. Stock market follows.. I’ll be broke for Christmas: Retailers hope reality is forgotten for shopping season.. The code word was … Read moreI heard the news today, oh no…
The world is filled with craziness.. Peaceful demonstrators being pepper sprayed by the order.. for the order.. but what order? The new world order or an old world order that never went away? Do tell me, what productive result will free discussion being trampled down have on this society? Or is it too late to … Read moreRandom thoughts .. a week before the Christmas open hunting season begins
As mentioned on CoalSpeaker earlier, here it is: Tampa, FL: where…. cops have tanks!
She’s just being Mila.. And she kept a promise. She’s no Meg! Mila Kunis stuns Marine ball..
The thrill becomes a chill: Chris Matthews turns on President Obama
Hollywood shame: Casting directors under new scrutiny after an investigation finds that convicted molester Jason James Murphy hired child actors .. Murphy served a five-year prison term for kidnapping and abusing an 8-year-old boy near Seattle.. hiring kids as a casting assistant for productions including Super 8, Bad News Bears, The School Of Rock, Cheaper By … Read moreHollywood shame: Casting directors under new scrutiny
Some more thinking about this photo..This is America, 2011!?Where cops freely spray faces of protesters who are doing no harm?Where the ‘threat’ from kneeling demonstrators force a cop to pepper spray without inhibition? This should be front page, top of the fold.. TIME mag cover material. This should be first story on every news cast. … Read more
A lobbying firm spells out a plan on how to undermine Occupy Wall Street.. Despite its use, however, pepper spray was not included but it sure appears to work.. For some fun, just to to Tampa.. where cops have tanks!