Random thoughts .. a week before the Christmas open hunting season begins

The world is filled with craziness.. Peaceful demonstrators being pepper sprayed  by the order.. for the order.. but what order? The new world order or an old world order that never went away? Do tell me, what productive result will free discussion being trampled down have on this society? Or is it too late to ask. I just don’t know but sure wish someone else did..

The order of chaos is in full swing in Egypt, too.. Muburak is long gone but the military rule that replaced him isn’t. And people want it to be.. The “Arab Spring” of 2011 will be the Arab winter of ‘12..  Cold shoulders of military leaders replace the warm sunshine of hope in spring. Twas always thus and always thus shall be.

Joe Paterno is in the news.. In his 80s, in a scandal, and now in the hospital with lung cancer. Sandusky touched someone–whether in his book or in Penn State’s shower.. that cannot be denied. And now the scandal of child sex crimes moves north to Syracuse, where a basketball coach is accused of Sandusky-like behavior for years. What door are we opening? Pandora’s Box is an over-used saying. And hell, it’s been opened too many times now anyway.. But sports fans will remind me that Penn State beat the Buckeyes on Saturday. So I guess all is well.

This week an alleged assassin was caught after shots were fired at the White House. But a newspaper found Obama’s 120+ page security plan in a gutter. Now I ask, what threat is bigger? And why no questions as to how the security detail got treated like trash in a polluted street?

We are nearing another JFK assassination anniversary. Shows and stories will tell us it’s solved. Others will ‘prove’ conspiracy. Almost 50 years and the debate continues…. Amazing how history is an ever-evolving story, isn’t it?

The sidewalk is growing cold.
It’s getting to be winter.
Be warm.

Happy Sunday.
Walmart opens at 10pm. On Thanksgiving. Black Friday turns into Gray Thursday.