Just ‘paperwork delays’?
Jobless claims rise–highest in two months..
Jobless claims rise–highest in two months..
Scientists have spotted a relatively tiny galaxy (3,000 light years wide as opposed to 10,000 light years for the Milky Way).. but the minuscule galaxy also has a gargantuan black hole..
It lingered. But it had to. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Full Obama speech from tonight in Tuscon
Gabbie opened her eyes President Obama tonight at a memorial in Tuscon
If anyone is looking to get me a really late Christmas gift, I’ll take this sweater.. Credit sky-habit: This is the coolest “lame” sweater ever
We found out today that police stopped Jared Loughner only hours before his shooting rampage in Tuscon, and now this: Police visited Tucson suspect’s home before rampage…BUT>>>Sheriff won’t release reports… The police were apparently there on more than one occasion and the reasons, Pima County officials say, are under review..
Yes, I’ll have a bottle of your oldest dry red. Try 6,100 years young.. Vintage.., Evidence of an old winery in Armenia
Snowy. 49 out of the 50 United States now have snow in the ground.. The odd state out still has then 49 other states’ oranges happily growing..
Officers stopped suspect on day of shooting… AP reports: Jared Lougher ran a red light but was let off with a warning at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, the Arizona Game and Fish Department said. The officer took Loughner’s driver’s license and vehicle registration information but found no outstanding warrants on Loughner or his vehicle