A 5.0 quake just hit the MidAtlantic Ridge
Not sure if there is any importance to this.. but something made my eyes and ears perk up when I saw the alert.. A 5.0 quake just hit the MidAtlantic Ridge
Not sure if there is any importance to this.. but something made my eyes and ears perk up when I saw the alert.. A 5.0 quake just hit the MidAtlantic Ridge
Ayden really likes Teala
I gave him a box of my OLDDDDD He-Man action figures. He is amazed with Teala. He ignored Skeletor. … He-Man. Back when toys were not made in China, but instead Taiwan.
Seriously, he’s been fixated on the TV for about 5 minutes–a record attention span for him.. Not sure what the deal is. I hope they are not planting messages in his brain to destroy something. It is scaring me..
Remember how the nation was outraged over ‘Jihad Jane’? .. she wasn’t real. It was a created actor used to generate terror fears.
…British media abuzz today with the prospects that global warming stopped. Really. While we worried about global warming, did the earth begin cooling?It’s an interesting thought, of course.. either way the globe paces a perilous future.
Don’t f&* with the peacemaker.. or hell reigns down? Either way, this ‘peacemaker’ is the new surveillance truck Florida cops are going to use in Lauderdale. “Warning: You are under video surveillance,” reads the bold message on the side of the truck. From the front bumper of the menacing vehicle, another sign taunts: “Whatcha gonna … Read more
Goodnight all… or not. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
As the world turns..happy Saturday to all those who follow, both newly and oldy. Thanks.