Strange plumes on the map over Arkansas..?

Dutch Since has been focusing in on major plumes being shown on satellite imagery of the United States.. most recently, as he explained on his website, he seems to be finding more plumes. This time they are rising from Arkansas.. 

But with the video, this quote from the site:

no analysis — you can form your own opinion on what this is… at this point.. im tired of being the whipping boy for delivering the video on the occurrence .. you decide for yourself.. you think this is a fire.. fine.. you think this is a thunderstorm.. fine.. you think this is military testing.. fine.. you think this is volcanic activity.. fine.. you think this is related to fracking.. fine.. you think this is just a foggy day.. FINE…
whatever.. Im just showing you whats on satellite that stands out as odd

I certainly hope no ill-will has been shown towards Michael.. He has an exceptional site that most check every day.. And what he reports on these most recent plumes are worth noting..